
Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022: A Statistical Review

Garmin Connect combines indoor and outdoor miles, but I don't.
How did I do in 2022, my 19th season as a cyclist? By the numbers, it was not an impressive year. I rode 4,190 miles outdoors, down from 4,704 in 2021. That decline came despite only a tiny reduction in frequency—143 rides this year versus 148 rides last year—but my average distance per ride dropped from 31.8 miles to 29.3 miles. I set no new monthly mileage records, and a metric century on October 22 was my longest ride of the season. My 4,190-mile total ranks 14th all-time and is my lowest output since I rode 4,100 miles in 2013, a season shortened by injury.

On the upside, I exceeded my goal of 3,612 miles in 2022 to surpass 85,000 lifetime miles. In 2023, my goal will be to reach 90,000 lifetime miles. I will need 4,422 miles to get there. I’m trying to stay on pace to reach 100,000 miles in 2025, the year in which I will turn 60. But obviously it would benefit me to exceed 4,422. I don’t want to rely on back-to-back seasons of 5,000 miles in 2024 and 2025.

I spent more than 53 hours on the turbo trainer in 2022, my biggest effort since 2008. That’s good news and bad news. I always would prefer to ride outside, but I have such an aversion to cold weather that riding inside is frequently the better choice. Having a smart trainer and a Zwift subscription has made indoor riding far less of a grind, so I’m doing it more consistently.

I missed my goal of 500 walking miles. Hurting my left leg in August put an end to that idea. I finished 2022 with 295 miles of fitness walking. I’m setting a goal of 260 miles in 2023. That’s 5 miles per week on average, and it’s enough. It is just cross-training, after all. I’m not trying to be a competitive walker.

June 10, 2023, will be the 40th Anniversary of my graduation from high school. I want to get back to my senior year weight: 185 pounds. That won’t be easy, but I was there as recently as September 2019.

Off the bike, 2022 was rewarding in many ways. I had a lot of success at my job and reaped the rewards from a grateful employer. I had a very enjoyable vacation in Pennsylvania. I read 28 books. I redecorated my dining room. Even if my cycling numbers were down a bit, 2022 was a good year.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

One Last Outdoor Ride In 2022

Yesterday in West Bend, we rose above the freezing mark for the first time since December 15. And we didn’t just sneak above 32° for a few minutes; by 1:25 p.m. we had hit 40° for the first time since December 3. It might have been a day of aggressive snow melting if not for the considerable cloud cover. Fortunately, we stayed well above the freezing mark overnight—extraordinarily rare at this time of year—so the melting continued unabated.

This afternoon we cracked 50° for the first time since November 29. I think we topped out at 54°, more than 20° above normal. The streets were still wet and dirty, and the park paths were blocked by snow in some places. I didn’t let that stop me; I did my first outdoor ride since November 23. It was only a 15-mile tour of West Bend, shown on the map above. And like any winter ride, it wasn’t fast. But it was a mood lifter. Winter is the equivalent of house arrest for me and we’re in the early days of this one, so any chance to get outside is a blessing. We’re going back into the 30s tomorrow and we might have fresh snow on the ground by this time next week.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

K’s For Days: Done!

Today I finished the “K’s for Days” mission on Zwift, completing 500 kilometers (311 miles) of indoor cycling this month. It’s not that big of a deal, but I appreciate little incentives like this at any time of year and especially during winter. Sometime in the next few days I will surpass 1,000 miles of Zwifting in 2022. And it looks like I will finish the year with my 4th highest total of trainer minutes since I started riding indoors back in 2006.

I don’t want to focus too much on numbers like these, as it always will be my goal to ride outside as much as I can. But something like “K’s for Days” is a good fit when the snow is flying in December. I’m thinking about doing the Tour de Zwift, Jan. 9 through Feb. 5, to stay motivated as winter wears on. It would be a great way to force myself to ride several courses I haven’t tried yet.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

This Blows!

Bontrager makes a nice line of tire pumps and I’ve had one for years. But stuff wears out, and my old pump isn’t connecting reliably to Presta valves anymore. The good folks at Pedal Moraine are going to order a part that should get the old pump working again. It was my only floor pump until this afternoon. The plan now is to relegate it to backup duty … maybe to store it in my car so that I always have a pump when I take my bikes somewhere. Today was a good day to invest in a new pump to serve as my primary. This Bontrager Dual Charger can switch between high volume and high pressure, and it features a big, easy-to-read gauge. I tested it on my turbo trainer tire and was immediately impressed. Great upgrade!

Monday, December 19, 2022

1,000 Miles On Zwift

Today I surpassed 1,000 lifetime miles on Zwift. I have been using the virtual cycling platform since November 2021, but only when cold and/or wet weather keeps me from riding outside. I should have reached this milestone a couple of days ago, but family obligations kept me from riding on Saturday and I lost Friday’s ride to a technical glitch.

The exact cause of the glitch remains a mystery. Zwift’s customer support team says I lost my connection to Zwift’s servers. But Friday’s ride seemed normal to me in every detail except one: I appeared to be the only rider using Zwift at that time. So, I took every sprint and every KOM and didn’t fret over all the “Ride On!” cheers I wasn’t getting. At the end of the ride I selected Save and the course—one that I had never ridden before—appeared to be completed. But my ride never showed up on or on Garmin Connect. I then shut down the Zwift application. Upon restarting, I was prompted to update the software. After doing so, Friday’s course reverted to incomplete. In my manual training log I gave myself credit for riding, but “officially” the ride never happened. Those statistics are simply lost.

Yesterday I completed two courses on Zwift and everything worked as expected. Today’s ride also was free of glitches. Friday’s ride stands alone as the time Zwift failed me. Overall, I have been satisfied with the service, and I still have only scratched the surface of what it can do.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

More Of The Same

When I find something that works, I stick with it. In the last couple of weeks I outfitted myself with new copies of old favorites.

My endurance road bike, the BMC, will need new tires to start the 2023 season. I didn’t even look at other options; I love Continental Gatorskins. You could say I love them too much, but I’m not asking my existing tires to last as long as their predecessors. I have more than 3,240 miles on the current pair, and that’s probably enough even though they’re still performing.

That new Bell Formula MIPS helmet will be my everyday helmet, replacing an older copy of the same thing. I probably should be replacing my helmet every five years or so, given how frequently I ride. Not sure how old the existing helmet is, but it’s starting to look a bit shabby.

The new saddle is a Fizik Arione, the same model I use on my BMC. This one will go on my Framed Gravier, replacing the stock Selle Italia Boost. The Fizik Arione is 90g lighter—I’m still trying to cut weight from the surprisingly heavy Gravier—and it’s significantly longer and narrower. That’s a better fit for me. Also, its surface is easier to move along. The Selle Italia Boost has a sticky, rubberized feel that I don’t like. I got the new Fizik Arione online from Walmart, believe it or not, where it was more than $30 cheaper than any other reputable retailer’s price.

Watch this space! I’m not ruling out more new goodies before spring.

Friday, December 2, 2022