
Monday, May 31, 2010

Looking Ahead

It felt good not to ride the bike today. After yesterday’s big effort, I was glad for the day off. With a quiet June on the horizon, I removed the Maxxis Raze cyclocross tires that performed so well at DeKalb yesterday and put them in storage for some future event, TBA. It’s back to the longer-wearing Kenda Kwests for training rides. And today I washed, degreased and lubed the flatbar bike, made sure the wheels were still true, etc. Starting tomorrow I’ll be back on the road bike, building for a couple of special events in July.

As I prepare for long-distance events later this summer, I'll be stretching out some of my weekend training rides. One of the things I have to get right is event-day nutrition. Recently this product came to my attention. Looks like a winner for events of 100 miles or more, but I haven't tried it yet. If you have any experience with the product, please leave a comment.

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