
Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Minimum Standard

At this time of year, the 100-mile weekend is my minimum standard. Anything less and I feel like I didn’t do enough. This weekend I got my 100 miles, and that was a victory of sorts because I found the weather really depressing. There was a 5-minute period this afternoon during which the sun shone brightly enough to cast shadows of my trees onto the lawn. Other than that, this was just a gray, ugly-looking weekend. On Saturday my enthusiasm was buoyed by the nice turnout and great route for the Washington County Bicycle Club ride. Today, riding alone, my main sources of motivation were my desire to reach my minimum standard and a sense of dread regarding the weather forecast for Monday and Tuesday. With two days of rain on the way, followed by softball on Wednesday, it looks like my next ride will have to wait for Thursday evening.

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