
Monday, April 11, 2011

Marking The Route

This evening I drove the Cheesehead Roubaix route to ensure the accuracy of the cuesheet and to paint a CR logo and a directional arrow at key intersections.  I found one error on the original cuesheet, so if you're coming to the ride please download the corrected version here.

Cheesehead Roubaix is supposed to be a challenging ride, but nobody is supposed to get hurt doing it.  With that in mind, on Sunday I will present an addendum to the cuesheet to provide a detour around the last unpaved sector.  Lovers Lane from Highland Drive to County Highway H (mile 52.9 to 53.9) is unsafe.  I drove down that road this evening and barely made it through.  Had I been in a passenger car instead of an SUV, I would have gotten stranded.  All other unpaved sectors are eminently rideable, but I suggest you pass on this one.  However, the decision is yours.  Lovers Lane is an open public road and, most importantly, you are responsible for yourself.

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