
Friday, August 26, 2011

Flying From Frustration

No, not really.  But it wouldn't have surprised me.
Today was not a good day at work.  Most of my regular duties were on hold this week as I completed five days of online, instructor-led training for a complex software package my company is going to deploy.  Things went pretty well for me Monday through Thursday.  But today I was lost, muting my microphone and swearing up a storm.  When the class finally ended I needed to get on the bike and let off some steam.

With a long road ride planned for tomorrow, this evening I rode the Giant FCR3 up the Eisenbahn State Trail to Eden.  I wasn’t there to visit all the touristy hot spots; as soon as I reached the end of the trail I turned around and rode back home.  I covered the 47 miles in 2:44, a 17.2 mph average.  Outside of West Bend I saw very few people and the solitude was therapeutic.

Tomorrow morning I will ride with the Washington County Bicycle Club, then I might do a little mountain biking.  On Wednesday I rode with my Team Pedal Moraine friends at New Fane.  It was my first time on the mountain bike since the WEMS race at Greenbush in May, so I was pretty rusty on my first lap at New Fane but the second one was better.  There’s still a chance I will do the WORS race at Suamico on Sunday and one more practice session would help.  Suamico is probably the least technically-demanding course for WORS and WEMS, so maybe I could race it without the fear of imminent death that dogged me at Greenbush.

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