
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A PR And Not A PR

Today I did my first Eisenbahn State Trail out-and-back of 2012, and just for good measure I timed myself on the segment that I use for time trial tests.  In the course of riding 50 miles today I reached 377 miles this month, a personal record for March.  I did not set a PR on the 14.4 miles between 2nd Street in Kewaskum and the Eden town line sign on County Highway V.  Last year’s 46:27 still stands.  Today I covered the segment in 51:30.  But I wasn’t really in TT mode.  It’s only March 21 and I just rode a little harder than usual to put down a reference time for later this year.

My training plan—which has undergone radical customization during this uncommonly warm stretch—calls for a rest day tomorrow and I’m going to take it.  Today was the ninth consecutive day on which I’ve ridden, and I’ve put in many more hours than my plan recommends.

I’ve been trying to build mileage quickly this month because I’m still flirting with the Fools Classic, a 79-mile sportive in eastern Pennsylvania on April 7.  It features several unpaved roads and about 6,500 feet of climbing.  Registration is open but the event is nowhere near its 250-rider limit.  I’m still uncommitted.  Online registration closes April 1.  By that time I should know whether I will be fit enough to do a respectable ride, and I should have a reasonably accurate weather forecast.  If it’s too close to call—on either account—I’ll take my chances with day-of registration.

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