
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cyclist, Interrupted

I'm barely able to rule my petty fiefdom with the home office in this condition!
Later this month my wife’s sister and brother-in-law will visit from California.  As soon as they leave, my mother will visit from Pennsylvania.  And as if those visits weren’t enough to spur us into action, the City of West Bend wants to send an assessor around to look at the house.  It’s time to address some problems that we have been living with for a long time.  First and foremost: the worn-out and stained carpet in our home office and family room.  Removing the old carpet, pad and tack strips has been nasty work, but the “demo” is now done in the office.  It will be several more days before the office is back to normal … and by that time we’ll be hard at work in the family room.  We have several other projects in various states of completion.  We didn’t intend to have so many things happening simultaneously, but here we are and the only solution is to see everything through to the finish.

I’m still cycling, but I’m more than a little distracted by what’s happening at home.  The big news since my last blog post is that I got the OK from the city’s parks department to hold cyclocross practices at Royal Oaks Park.  Some of the guys will meet there at 5:30 p.m. next Tuesday, Aug. 7, to discuss course layout options.  If you have input or are just curious, come on over.  The first real practice will be on Tuesday, Aug. 14, probably at 5:30 p.m.  The start time will be one of the items of discussion when we meet next week.

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