
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Between The Raindrops

There was good cycling to be had today, but you needed patience to find it. The weather forecast was actually right: the rain moved out and the temperature shot up into the low 70s late this afternoon. I hopped aboard my cyclocross bike and did an out-and-back ride on the Eisenbahn State Trail. I needed 57 minutes to reach my turnaround point in Campbellsport and 56 minutes to get back to my house. I always shoot for sub-60 minutes in each direction and a negative split. When wind isn’t a factor—and today it was calm—then the return trip should be a little faster because it’s slightly downhill.

Back at home I swapped in a different left-side pedal and then rode in a couple of experimental circles around my block. I have a noise that seems to be coming from the left side, but changing pedals didn’t fix it. The bottom bracket was serviced recently so I hope that’s not still a problem.

After a quick change of clothes I drove to Washington County Fair Park to catch the last night of the criterium practice series that has been running since early April. Turnout was a little bit lower this week; many riders likely were scared off by threatening skies. For those who showed up the roads remained dry and it was a good, safe trio of 20-minute races to end the series. Watch for its return in 2014.

Riders from Belgianwerkx and Team Extreme dominated the racing this evening.

Patience will continue to be the watchword for the remainder of the week. There’s a chance of rain every day through Saturday, but every day also should present opportunities to ride. My greatest hope is that I will be able to visit New Fane with the 29er to tune up for Sunday's WORS race at Wausau. But the trails might never dry out this week. I will take whatever I can get, even if it’s just a fast 60 minutes on the road during my lunch break. Wausau is supposed to be dry on Sunday but there’s rain in its Saturday forecast, and that could wipe out the pre-ride. I’m in wait-and-see mode: my best option might be to travel to Wausau early Sunday morning. I would like to do the pre-ride, but if it gets washed out then there’s no reason to be there on Saturday. Shivering all night as rain pounds on my tent would be a poor prelude to my 2013 racing debut.

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