
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Warming To My Work

We reached 79 degrees today in West Bend, our highest temperature so far this year. I celebrated that fact by riding 50 miles on my cyclocross bike to reach 1,000 miles year-to-date. Last year I didn’t reach 1,000 miles until May 13. Today I went up the Eisenbahn State Trail to Eden, but a simple out-and-back ride was going to leave me short of my mileage goal so I swung through Glacial Blue Hills on the way home. With an average moving speed of 15 mph, it wasn’t my fastest ride. It was a good effort, though, especially when you consider the return trip was into a strengthening headwind. I lost 4 pounds in 3:20 of ride time, all water I’m sure.

Tomorrow … well, I will do something tomorrow but it won’t be too strenuous. Early on Saturday morning I will depart for my business trip. I plan to stay in Nashville TN on Saturday night. I will complete the drive to Tampa FL on Sunday and remain there until next Thursday. Then I will hurry home to run the Washington County Bicycle Club time trial on Saturday, May 17.

The Giro d’Italia begins tomorrow with a team time trial. I’ve said it before: every Grand Tour should have one. The TTT is a special discipline that we get to see far too infrequently. Tomorrow is also the anniversary of the death of Wouter Weylandt. It was the worst moment I have ever seen as a cycling fan. Three years on, it still breaks my heart and that’s damned hard to do. But life goes on and yesterday there was some unexpectedly positive news about the woman involved in the Johan Vansummeren crash at last month’s Ronde van Vlaanderen. She is out of a medically-induced coma. Sounds like she still has a long road to full recovery, and maybe that’s asking for too much but at least there is hope.

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