
Friday, June 12, 2015

Sometimes Good Enough Is Good Enough

On Twitter I follow a pro mountain biker who almost daily publishes training ride photos from Colorado. Every shot is a dreamscape of purple mountains majesty. Do you suppose he gets bored with it sometimes? Do you think he ever wishes he could break the monotony with a ride past corn fields and dairy farms?

Not every ride can be epic—at least, not around here—and my ride today was about as statistically average as they come during this time of year. I did my go-to route through Newburg and averaged 17 mph to complete the 26 miles in an hour and a half:

Yeah, that’s 63 degrees in the middle of a day in the middle of June … before you factor in the effects of the brisk northeast wind. It was a big disappointment to be back in warmers after a string of days in the 80s earlier this week. But it was good enough, not a complete washout like yesterday. Saturday and Sunday look like they might be good enough too. This has not been the week for which I hoped, but I'm still putting in my work. Make no mistake: some days, that's what it is.

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