
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother’s Day Meanderings

I got back on the bike today after 2 days of rest. Friday was going to be a rest day because of the cold, rainy weather. Saturday wasn’t supposed to be a rest day. But something didn’t feel quite right … hard to describe. I wasn’t sick the way most people would recognize being sick, but I had a dull ache that suggested sickness wasn’t far away. It started late Thursday evening and persisted for about 48 hours. I’ve had that feeling before, and the cure always has been to take as much bed rest as possible. I went to work Thursday and Friday nights, but I would have been very happy to stay home if not for the lost wages. I’m still a contract employee with no sick pay, so I’ll have to be near death before I give up a shift.

Hopefully, that little episode of feeling funky is now behind me. We had nice enough weather today and I insisted on riding even at the risk of a relapse. But I restricted myself to 90 minutes. I’ll go for a long ride tomorrow if I still feel OK. I was limited to 7 hours of saddle time this week. I expect to get back to 10+ in the week to come.

Today also was, finally, the start of the mountain bike racing season in Wisconsin. The Iola Bump & Jump kicked off the WORS season after a 1-week delay to allow the trails to dry. The WEMS season still hasn’t started, as the race at Alpine Valley was cancelled on Saturday.

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