
Monday, January 28, 2019

Lookin' Out My Back Door

Yeah, that’s what it looks like when I open the back door to my garage. And there’s still a little more snow coming down. After an gentle introduction to winter, we have taken a pretty good pounding in the last couple of weeks. Now the high winds are going to kick in, which will cause this powder to drift. We’ll probably have to shovel it all over again. Then comes the life-threatening cold: a high of -12° on Wednesday, with wind chill as low as -55° before it’s all over. I think I’m looking at a lot of turbo trainer time before I can ride outside again.

But conditions will be good for snowshoeing on Saturday, so I’m making plans to check out Lac Lawrann Conservancy and Royal Oaks Park here in West Bend. I haven’t gone snowshoeing there since February 2015. Last year I used the snowshoes only once; the weather simply didn’t provide many opportunities. This winter looks like it’s going to be different. Saturday will be in the low 30s. Sunday will be warmer still, but we might get an all-day rain. Things stabilize next week with temperatures in the 20s, and that’s fine for snowshoeing. If Saturday’s session goes well, then I’ll try to get out again next Monday. I’m looking for company on Saturday afternoon, so let me know if you want to join me.

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