
Sunday, June 23, 2019

A Week Of Expectations Exceeded

This was a good week!

From one point of view, I knew it would be. My mother and one of my nephews came from Philadelphia for a 4-day visit, and that did not disappoint. We enjoyed each other’s company and lots of good restaurant food. We even took in a little bike racing last night at the Giro d’ Grafton, Day 3 of the Tour of America’s Dairyland. Mom and Dean had never been to a bike race, and they thought it was pretty cool.

I looked forward to their visit, of course, but I worried about what it would mean for my training schedule. As things turned out, there was plenty of time for both. I finished the week with more than 10 hours in the saddle. It was my 2nd biggest week of the year so far. And there was even enough time to sell a bike I no longer needed: farewell to my 2011 Diamondback Steilacoom RCX, a great bike and a great value for the gentleman who bought it.

Strictly from a cycling perspective, the week to come might exceed the week we just finished. I’ll be volunteering as a course marshal tomorrow for the Downtown West Bend Concourse, Day 5 of the Tour of America’s Dairyland. Look for me if you’re in attendance between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.  We’re going to enjoy some legitimately warm, summertime weather for the entire week, and that will call me outside again and again. And on Saturday I will be in Milwaukee to spectate and to socialize at my favorite Tour of America’s Dairyland race, the Downer Classic.

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