
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

One Last Push

If you genuinely care about bicycling in Washington County, then the stakes don’t get much higher than this.

It’s time for the County Board to vote on the Washington County Bikeway & Trail Network Plan, a comprehensive study of current conditions and future opportunities. This is the most important moment in history for bicycling in our county. Adoption of the plan will begin a process that will take years to complete, but don’t be discouraged by the long timeline. The process has to start sometime, and future generations will applaud us for having had this vision. Or they will curse us for our shortsightedness if we allow the plan to fail. The County Board will meet next Wednesday, June 12, at 6 p.m. in Room 1019 of the Government Center, 432 E. Washington St., in West Bend.

Please contact your County Supervisor to express your support for the plan. It’s easy!

1. Go to the county’s website.
2. Zoom into the map and click the location of your residence, as in this example:

3. Click on the  >  symbol to get your supervisor's contact information:

4. Click the EMAIL hyperlink. Depending on your browser settings, your email program may launch at this point. Otherwise, use your mouse pointer to hover over the EMAIL hyperlink. Make note of the email address and then enter it into your email program.
5. Compose and send your email. Be sure to include your name and street address. Use your own wording or simply Copy & Paste this text:

Please support the adoption of the Washington County Bikeway & Trail Network Plan when the County Board meets on Wednesday, June 12. The plan includes much needed enhancements to the pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure of Washington County. The multi-use paths in the plan are especially important in providing safe recreation and transportation for me and my family. Thank You!

That’s it!

Contact from constituents is extremely influential at the county level. You can make a difference in this process!

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