
Sunday, April 26, 2020


Today's consolation prize.
Today is the last Sunday in April, so I should be recapping this year’s Cheesehead Roubaix. It would have finished in sunny, 60° magnificence for a change. But, of course, there was no Cheesehead Roubaix today. It’s another COVID-19 cancellation. I thought only for a moment about postponing instead, and then I realized that there wasn’t any new date to choose. Every estimate for “reopening” America is just a rough guess. Nobody really knows, and a premature easing of restrictions that proves politically popular could prove disastrous for public health, leading to a second and perhaps more stringent lockdown.

But this isn’t going to be a complete downer of a blog post; I did ride my bike today: 50 kilometers—half the Cheesehead Roubaix distance—and my lower back didn’t complain once, which was a nice surprise. I have had some back pain and limited range of motion since Monday, but as it has gotten better each day I decided to chance a ride. We’ll see how it feels tomorrow. If I have come back too soon, then at least only I will suffer for it.

And even more good news: we appear to be done with freezing temperatures for a while. Today I hooked up the garden hose for the first time since October and gave my bikes a long overdue shower.

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