
Monday, March 8, 2021

Looking For Some Momentum

Today's improvised ride.

This afternoon when West Bend hit 60° for the first time since November 19, out I went! We didn’t set a record, but we were a full 20° above normal for March 8. And we may reach 60° again on Tuesday and Wednesday before we slide back toward seasonal averages. I have a lot of winter weight to lose and a lot of fitness to recapture, but it’s great to be moving again. Today’s ride was my fourth in the last six days, which is good for this time of year. At the end of this week, the return of Daylight Saving Time will make things even better for me. If the weather doesn’t take too much of a bad turn, then I will start stretching out my rides next week. I haven’t gone past 27 miles yet this year. I need miles ... lots of them.

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