
Saturday, March 5, 2022

First Outdoor Miles Of 2022

It’s always good to get those first outdoor miles of a new season. Today I rode 16 miles around West Bend on my mountain bike, opting for some extra rubber even though I didn’t venture off road. There’s still snow and ice in places, and I rode over a couple of spots that I probably would have walked around if I had chosen my road bike. Today was our warmest day so far this year, and low 50s plus low winds is not a bad combination in early March. But it was wet and dark. I felt a few raindrops from time to time and I didn’t trust the weather enough to venture far from home. Today wasn’t a great day; it was good enough. And the weather forecast almost demanded that I ride: by next weekend we could be back in the 20s with fresh snow on the ground.

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