
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A May Of Many Activities

Today is the last day of May and I didn’t come close to any cycling records this month. I did, however, finish the month with a 27-mile ride to bring my year-to-date total to an even 700. That’s 365 miles behind last year’s pace, but it’s not the end of the world. I can make up the deficit. Summer is almost here and it won’t be long until I’m cranking out 200-mile weeks.

Today’s ride completed a nice streak: I walked or rode outside every day this month. Since I started using Garmin Connect in March 2013, this was the first time I filled up the calendar:

That’s 16 walks and 15 rides. Not included on the calendar are 11 upper body strength training workouts, which I don’t track with Garmin Connect. The eight Garmin Connect badges I earned in May were all for walking or cycling:

I expect to complete seven more badges in June, including one specifically for hiking.

Doing a variety of activities is great, but don’t be misled: my big goal for June is to run up my cycling mileage. I am still very much in a base-building phase, trying to increase fitness and decrease belly fat to prepare for racing later this year. I’m interested in cyclocross, of course, but there are a couple of WEMS races and other events that could be tempting if I can whip myself into shape.

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