
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Think Spring!

West Bend got into the mid-50s this afternoon and the bright sunshine helped to melt much of the snow that has lingered for the past week. You could have been forgiven for thinking spring had come. I did a 26-mile ride around town to give myself a little break from indoor training. So, yes, think spring!

But then think, “Why do we look forward to spring with such passion when it’s always cold and wet?” Today’s ride pushed my November mileage total past my April mileage total, and October’s numbers were higher than May’s. If I ride 105 miles in December—not out of the question—then I’ll surpass my total from March. The truth about spring is that it’s hit-or-miss, and miss is winning. Today, though, felt the way we want those early spring days to feel.

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