
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Wrapping Up February 2024

Does anyone really like leap years? In the Southern Hemisphere, I guess it’s a good deal to have an extra day in February—it was sunny and 77° in Johannesburg today, if you were wondering. Here in the north, February 29 is usually just another deep winter day. We did better than average this time, so I won’t complain. And taking stock of the entire month, February 2024 wasn’t too bad.

Tuesday was the first 60° day in West Bend since November 16 … and then it turned into the first 70° day since October 27! Unreal. We peaked at 71° early Tuesday afternoon, obliterating the old record high of 52° from 1976 and our 36° average high for February 27. Then the wind shifted to the northwest, and taking wind chill into account, we dropped all the way to 1° in only 18 hours. We also picked up a trace amount of snow. On Tuesday afternoon I applied sunscreen and rode outside in shorts for the first time in months. By Wednesday afternoon I didn’t even want to walk to the curb to pick up my mail.

March is expected to begin with temperatures in the low 50s to low 60s, which is good enough to get me back out on the bike. I rode outside on three occasions in February, matching last year’s total. Those 63 miles won’t impress anyone, though, and I’m hoping for better things in March. Last year, March was a bit of a disaster: I rode only six times for a total of 141 miles. I should be able to beat that, especially as I will spend the last week of March in southeastern Pennsylvania, where the temperature historically is 10° warmer on average. I’m planning a three-week stay in Pennsylvania. If the weather is good, then that visit should be something of a training camp for me.

Training in February mostly consisted of upper body strength workouts and treadmill walks. I shattered my old record of 74.08 miles of walking for fitness, set in September 2021. In February, I walked exactly 100 miles. Garmin Connect tells me that February also was my best ever month for steps—203,115 of them—but I don’t know what the old record was. And 203,115 is still short of the 10,000 steps per day ideal that so many fitness experts recommend. I needed almost 29 hours to get my 203,115 steps, which comes out to almost 60 minutes per day. I don’t think I want to devote more time than that to walking. But the new treadmill certainly has been a great addition to the home gym. It’s so much easier to do an indoor walk than to bundle up against the cold. With better weather I will return to hikes and ruck marches, but the treadmill has been the solution for walking this winter.

February was a surprisingly good month for Garmin Connect badges. I earned 12 of them, as shown above. I credit the treadmill for almost all of those achievements and for keeping my weight stable throughout the month. I seem to have reached equilibrium in the calories in / calories out calculation. I’m still far heavier than I would like to be, but at least things didn’t get worse this month.

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