
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Going For The One Thousand

Is riding 1,000 miles in a single month a worthy goal?  I say, "Yes."
Several days ago I mentioned that I was on pace for my first-ever 1,000-mile month.  Then it kind of looked like it wasn’t in the cards, but now I’m so close that I have to go for it.  Today’s ride brought my July mileage total to 895.  That’s already a personal record, beating the 800 miles I rode in September 2009.  There are three days left and the weather forecast is mostly favorable.  I’ll keep an eye on Sunday; if it looks like rain, then Saturday might be a long day in the saddle.  I’ll get a little closer tomorrow but I don’t want to burn myself out.  On Saturday morning I have a time trial test, then a briskly-paced group ride.

1 comment:

  1. I looked at some of my past data and I haven't ever riden 1,000 miles in one month. Good for you! You can do it.
