
Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'd Rather Laugh With The Sinners Than Cry With The Saints

"Trust me: it will totally be worth it."
I finished July with 1,020 miles, my first-ever 1,000-mile month.  I rode every day except for the 6th, the 13th, the 20th and the 27th, each a Wednesday.  That’s my softball night and I rarely ride before a game.  Reaching 1,000 miles in a single month was an itch I had to scratch.  With that accomplishment behind me, I will go into August looking for less volume and more intensity.

My fitness was tested on Saturday in a 19.3-mile time trial on a rolling course in northwestern Washington County.  I placed fifth out of six racers, averaging 20.2 mph.  I rode hard: my average heart rate was 160 (87%), I topped out at 174 (95%), and I was pedaling squares as I crossed the finish line.  The little hills really caused problems for me.  So, with the also-not-flat Kirke Vei Time Trial now just three weeks away I need to return to more structured training.  That plan goes into effect on Tuesday, because tomorrow I am taking a badly-needed day off from cycling.

Saturday’s Washington County Bicycle Club ride attracted a season-high 18 riders.  Attendance is way ahead of last year and that’s great to see.  I rode with the club for the first 10.6 miles until its route intersected with the time trial route.  Club riders then turned north toward Eden while I turned south toward toil and suffering.  Overall, I rode 79 miles.  It was my longest day on the bike so far this year and probably the hardest, but perhaps the most satisfying.

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