Friday, October 11, 2024

For The Record, I’m Back In Wisconsin

Late yesterday afternoon I returned to West Bend after 25 days in Pennsylvania. As I mentioned in my last post, rain from Hurricane Helene robbed me of several opportunities to ride. Nevertheless, I racked up 343 miles of cycling during the trip. I also did 42 miles of walking for fitness. I even managed to lose 2 pounds, though there were many rich meals and treats at Mom’s house.

I briefly was tempted to hop on the bike when I got back, but I really needed to unpack, get organized, and stock up on groceries. My house is shut down while I am away. I turn off the water at the main valve, unplug almost everything electrical, clear the kitchen of perishable food, and empty the trash cans. I come home to a house that isn’t flooded, didn’t catch fire, doesn’t stink, and has added almost nothing to my next utility bill. After restarting the house yesterday I had just enough time to watch some hockey on TV, do an easy 20-minute treadmill walk, and gape at the aurora borealis as it flickered above my roof for the third time this year.

I did a 2-mile walk today, bringing my 2024 total to 464 miles, a personal record that beats the 463 miles I walked for fitness in 2021. I also got back on the bike today for 32 miles. How could I not ride today? West Bend hit 80° for the first time since September 21 and perhaps for the last time this year. The current forecast says we won’t reach 60° tomorrow afternoon, and by next Tuesday our daytime high may be only 50° or even colder. We’re expecting overnight temperatures in the 20s and 30s early next week. My cycling season could be coming to an abrupt end. I certainly won’t be doing the cyclocross race in Richfield tomorrow, but that’s not a weather thing. I have to work tonight. My Fridays are usually free, but not this one, and it’s just too hard to work all night and then perform well in a morning race.

My form isn’t too bad right now. Whether I am objectively fitter than I was before my trip is unclear, but I don’t think I did anything to hurt myself. I managed to do something for fitness every day, even on the days that required long hours in the car, and even when I had only enough time for a short walk. I have a nice streak going: today is my 45th consecutive day with a ride, a walk, or both. If my cycling season is almost over, then at least I have my treadmill and my strength training options in the home gym, plus miles of hiking trails nearby.

And then there’s that To Do list, which includes a bunch of household projects to complete before winter arrives. To whatever extent my time in Pennsylvania could be considered a vacation—and it should be remembered that I continued to work remotely for my employer—then playtime is emphatically over. I expect to be very busy until at least mid-December.

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